Sunday, 23 September 2012

About Path to Creation

Path to creation is a voyage in search of finding one’s inner strength through reflections as a passionate quest into life and experiencing its powers. It will support individuals in their life’s journey and is about helping them to discover their strength through expression of colors on canvas or paper.

In this voyage, individuals will discover the mirror with reflections that are suffused with their own ability to be gentle, to forgive, to be calm in all moments of rage, to be happy and free, and to believe with passion in their innocent dreams and aspirations.  Though colors they will be able to open up new doors to their new understanding and help them learn and grow as individual.

Through colors individuals will be able to give language and expression of hope, dreams, desires, longing, and happiness. Like a clean honest mirror they will be able to reflect back to use colors, images, symbols, metaphors and words of expression that will enable them to make sense of their own life.

In sharing the stories with others though colors they will learn more about themselves and the life of other individual.

The purpose of the Path to creation is to create a space for individuals to find meaning to their own life and live life with social responsibility.  Each individual will be able to use colors to find the freedom of expression with their honest thoughts and their hearts will truly guide and speak to them.

The main focus of this voyage will be on self discovery, healing of oneself through a series of sessions span over many days of intensive work.  Path to creation will help individuals to create space for themselves to express their feelings and share it with others in a group during the session. It will be based on a deep understanding of creativity and how to deals with day to day life in a better way as good individual and good citizen of the society.

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